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About the Music


01. Big Apple 大蘋果

在紐約求學期間,我每天受到全世界不同文化的衝擊,讓我拋棄舊有的固執並產生了新潮思維。全世界只有少數像紐約這類型大都市才有這獨特環境去孕育每個人的美國夢,而在這樣的環境下而我寫了 Big Apple 這首曲子去傳達這種感受。曲子所要表達的核心概念是一種在大都市下生活的快速步調、文化衝撞、喧囂又熱鬧的夜晚和最珍貴的產物之一:不間斷的能量。

When I studied in New York City, I met people from all over the world and learned their culture from them. Such experience gives me a culture shock which changes the way I see the world. New York City is known as a melting pot and therefore this composition is dedicated to the city’s fast-paced, multicultural, and vivid life style that provides ceaseless energy. 

02. A Taiwanese in New York

本曲根據民謠茉莉花改編而成,第一段落採用拉丁慢板曲風 Bolero成現古老的旋律線,第二段採用拉丁3-2 Clave 在轉 2-3 Clave帶向快版去擴張旋律線條,第三段進入大家熟知的Swing段落,成現 Dizzy School 的聲響,第四段落採用6/8 Afro去呈現非洲音樂的草根性,最後在第五段使用 Cha-Cha 來展現拉丁音樂銅管的金色聲響。聽友們可以在此聽到拉丁音樂裡最長使用的幾種節奏類型,借此創造拉丁音樂與民謠產生的火花。

This composition is based on the folk song called “Jasmine.” In the first section I keep its original melody with the Bolero style. As the song speeds up, I use Latin 3-2 to 2-3 Clave in the second section to build up the tension. In the third section, the swing and the warm tenor solo lead this composition to the Dizzy's School sound. The 6/8 Afro groove in the fourth section shows the African-American’s grassroots element. In the final section, I create the golden sound of Latin music by using the Cha-Cha style. You will experience various rhythm pattern from the Latino music which creates the sparks with the folk song.

03.North Pole to Brazil


美洲東岸氣候屬於乾燥大陸型氣溫,在紐約生活過的人都會發現這裏的夏/冬天跟台灣的熱帶型氣候有著極大的不同,來自富熱帶島嶼的我在經過美國一年四季的變化後決定用音樂把這種「氣候心情」記錄下來,從冰冷嚴謹的管樂對位到熱情的Bossa groove,帶您感受從北極到巴西溫度的變化!

From North Pole to Brazil, cold to warm, silence to noisy, and glaciers to beaches, these kinds of feelings represent my observation to the weather on the east coast of the United States. People will find out that the drastic temperature change in New York City from summer to winter are very much different from those in tropical area. As a Taiwanese, I experience both of them and therefore I decided to write a song that describes this particular "climate mood.” In this song you will experience from the types of cold and rigorous counterpoint to enthusiasm Brazil Bossa rhythm which gives you a clear picture of what I mean on “North Pole to Brazil.”

04.Kunter in the House

台灣爵士 Saxphone 傳奇張坤德老師,是我追求成為音樂人上的一盞明燈,也是我很要好的朋友與人生方向指導者。這首曲子專為張坤德老師量身定,因此由Tenor Sax 溫暖的音色來帶我們回到1930年代繁華夜晚的人們在舞廳相遇時的那一份害羞。

Kunter Chang, a Taiwanese legendary saxophone player, is a bright light in my music career. He is not only my mentor but also a very good friend who always gives me important life advices. This piece is specially written for him which features mostly on the tenor saxophone. Its warm tone will remind us in 1930s which at night the shy and bustling people met each other when danced in the ballroom.

05.Outer Space

受Christopher Nolan導演的作品 Interstellar「星際效應」影響而啟發的作品。這首曲子使用Open voicing聲響與帶有侵略性的Drum & Bass節奏去描述一位太空人再虛無飄渺的太空中凝望著無盡的黑暗。

Inspired by Christopher Nolan's movie “Interstellar,” the elements in this composition consist of New York Modern Jazz vibe with aggressive drum and bass rhythm. The story of the song describes a spaceman who is staring at the endless dark ethereal space.

06. First Breeze of Spring


A tribute to the father of Taiwanese folk song: Yu-Shian Deng.

07.Single Stocking

1930年,美國爵士音樂在當時經濟大蕭條年代給予了人們心靈上很多的慰藉,並且讓當時的民眾有走出低潮的勇氣。這首歌曲想要呈現的是1930年代紐約哈林區大樂團百家爭鳴的盛況。而當時家喻戶曉的明星樂團Count Basie Big Band,在曲子上使用音量大小和精準的Swing Feel去製造曲子的動態感。他們的作品感動了當年大大小小等在收音機旁的聽眾,用這首曲子讓2019年的我們去感受那個時代的盛況與那份搖擺情懷。

In 1930s during the Great Depression, jazz provided the comfort for all the citizens in United States who suffered from such economic impact and lead the nation through the hard time. This song wants to represent the contending of Harlem big bands during in the 30s. Count Basie Orchestra was the head of the time which the band specializes on the volume control and play the swing feel in a precision. People surrounded in radio and affected by such music that gives them power. In this song, I want to bring back that hopeful emotion from my music and also inspire you with that “Single Stocking” mood.

08.Let’s get High

再一次因緣際會下,我有機會到紐奧良幫爵士鋼琴大師Ellis Marsalis工作,下塌飯店的當晚我去聽了他的長號音樂家兒子Delfeayo Marsalis在Snug Harbor與他的Big Band演出,那份美國南方草根性的熱力深深駐紮在我心裡,因此而創作了這首作品。


Having the opportunity to work at the Ellis Marsalis Music Center in New Orleans, 

I was inspired by one of his son: Delfeayo Marsalis. His big band and trombone performance put me into the New Orleans heat and I hope in this composition you can also feel the same way!

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